Self Portrait Series # 6 - Jig Young
I wear the crown of hubris
I wear it with pride and I wear it humbly
I spend my free time both at work & life helping others soar now
I burn so others can burn too
I set the sky ablaze as my battle cry
I will carry the boulders as I fly.
I will be incenerated and try again.
I rage against the cruelty of this world intensely
Hear my rage. Hear my anger. Hear my passion.
I rage against the unfairness of geography so others can too
I rage as I soar through the cemetary of hopes and dreams
I rage against my shackles so others can melt their chains
I am a king but I am also a humble servant
I own my truth now. I am hubris reborn.
The Icari before me were right.
There is power in our story.
There is strategy in our narrative.
There is victory in our state.
Icarus who loves the burn