Donald Felbaum is a Demon Who Never Misses

May 19, 2024 8:28 AM
People I admire. People I chase after
Date Published
May 19, 2024

When i hear the word basketball

I think about one of the greatest ballers I’ve known in my life

Donald Felbaum

Donald’s a demon who never misses when it matters. always pulls through.

He’s independent and self-reliant.

He’s always making those shots - in and outside of the court. He’s a fucking closer and a hustler. He’s all the rap songs combined and then some. He’s built a great career and a life that suits him well.

And most importantly, Donald started from the bottom. From zero. Absolutely independent. No fucking hand outs from anybody. No daddy money to live on. He’s lived in ghettos and poverty and lived to tell the tale. He made it out a king.

This may seem something like ordinary experience in the world (and it is) but it’s exceptional in the world we grew up in.

In the world we grew up in, we’re surrounded by 20 something children who still live with their parents to abide by rules and comfort.

They have maids & drivers, food provided for them, and no bills to pay. They’re literally never hungry and have nothing to complain about. Because of they’re always starved of the struggle and challenge of life.

Donald showed me the power of independence and self reliance. I look up to him and he’s always been there when I needed him.

In many ways, he baptized me in the dark arts. He introduced me to the life of sin and vice.

He’s at ease with the temptations of the world in a way that I could never be. It’s a second skin to him.

He’s worldly and otherwordly and underworldly all at the same time.

But just because he’s independent doesn’t mean he’s selfish. That’s the common misconception of Donald.

He’s shared thousands of dollars worth of alcohol, vices, and experiences with me and all his friends. And never asked me to pay thousands of dollars of his shit i’ve destroyed over the years out of clumsiness and influence.

Donald shares his bread & wine willingly and unapologetically. He has a big heart that he likes to hide. He’s shy about those things. But we see it and feel it.

Donald shares his time, gifts, and experience with those willing to hear the hard stuff. He helped me figure out sales when I was first started building our sales function.

And more importantly, he was there when I was homeless and looking for a place to stay.

During the pandemic, I decided to move back home. I realized quickly that while I love my parents, I could not live with them.

So one night, I packed my 2 suitcases and backpack. I moved out without a plan or a place to stay.

After talking to Dianne, the first friend I called was Donald. I just knew he would and could help. I asked him for help to find a place to live.

Donald ceaselessly & relentlessly looked for an apartment for me to move into. He got me the best deal. The apartment holds a lot of power that I’ve since internalized into me. Things started to turn around for me again with that move.

I’m ashamed I wasn’t here to welcome him home when he moved back from New York. I avoided his invitations for drinks because I was trying to stay sober and knew I’d give in to the vice.

I was weak and selfish.

Thank you, Donald.

Because you started us early, I’m strong enough now to resist vice & wordly temptations while hanging out with the devil.

You beautiful fucking devil.

I love you brother.